Jan 15, 2023 12:13 AM
You chose Route 7.3.7 The left path quickly leads to a clearing. You squint in the darkness, looking down at the rocks strewn about. They appear to have words written on them. Oh, this is a graveyard... Exhausted, you plop down next to a tombstone, catching your breath, feeling drowsiness start to take hold. Your eyelids flicker, but just before you are able to let slumber take you, you are startled by a deep rumbling. The ground beneath you begins to quake. An earthquake? No, you look across the graveyard, noticing that only patches of the ground are shaking and shifting. Below you, a bony arm emerges and your crawl away in terror. One by one, a hoard of zombies emerge. They turn their attention to you. At this moment, you feel a scalding heat coming from your pocket. Risking burns, you instinctively reach in and pull out the skull-shaped brooch that was now glowing faintly with a crimson aura. Looking back up, you now see that the various undead monsters have now filed into organized rows and are kneeling in front of you. One approaches, adorned in a tattered military coat. He stands at attention silently as if awaiting orders. You just got yourself an undead army, holy cow. Stammering and feeling intense pressure from the situation, you manage to voice a command: "Lead me out of this forest." The skeleton general in front salutes and the organized unit starts to march. You follow closely behind. [quote] [center][color=#68C413][size=150][b]ROUTE 7.3.7: CAUSE THIS IS TRILLER, THRILLER NIGHT (/10)[/b][/size][/color][/center] [size=90][b]CHOOSE 10 ITEMS DATE FORMAT:[/b] MMM DD (example: Jan 01)[/size] [b]Route Start Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. January 09, 2023 - the earliest date you started an anime for this route) [b]Route Finish Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. January 25, 2023 - the date you completed your last anime for this route) [spoiler=List][list=1][*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (35) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]4-koma Manga[/url], [url=]Web Manga[/url] or [url=]Digital Manga[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (41) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more and a popularity lower than #2000 (e.g. #2001, #2002, etc.) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (49) Watch an anime rated PG-13 (Teens 13 or Older) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (50) Watch an anime rated R - 17+ (violence & profanity) or R+ (Mild Nudity) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (57) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Drama[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (84) Watch an anime tagged with [url=]School[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (90) Watch an anime with a score of 8.00 or above and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (91) Watch an anime with a score of 5.00 or below and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (103) Watch an anime with the word "Season" in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (104) Watch an anime with the word "Animation" in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (107) Watch an anime with at least two different non-alphanumeric characters in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (127) Watch an anime with at least 2 human children (12 or younger) as main characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][MC 1: | MC 2: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (129) Watch an anime with a human main character that is not Japanese [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3]][Main Character: | Nationality: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (133) Watch an anime featuring a character with a disability according to [url=]Anime-Planet[/url] or [url=]AniDB[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][Character: | List Used: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (135) Watch an anime with 8 or more main characters listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/list][center][size=150]When you have completed all the required items proceed to the [b][url=][color=#61C0E3]ROUTE 7.3.7 ENDING[/color][/url][/b][/size][/center] [/spoiler][/quote] |
AeradaeJan 18, 2023 1:14 PM
Jan 15, 2023 12:17 AM
Route 7.3.7 Ending You and your loyal troops trudge on for a long while. The smell of rotten flesh definitely took some getting used to, but once you were past it you were left on this march to contemplate your new-found power. This brooch just lets you be a necromancer, what a sweet deal! You intend to test it further in the future, but for now you just need to get back to safety. At long last you end up getting back to where you started. You collapse yet again by a tree as your troops reposition to form a circle around you. Soon after, the sun rises and the skeletal crew start to crumble in the bright light. It's quite a sight and you are disappointed that the effects of this power seem to only work at night, but you feel an odd sense of comfort as you ponder the future and finally get some sleep. A few years later, your life has certainly changed. To take advantage of your situation, you have switched to a fully nocturnal sleep schedule. As well, recognizing that your undead army is limited in its functionality (gonna be hard getting humans to vibe with reanimated corpses) you sought out and successfully joined The Demon King's ranks as his right-hand man. While you never expected yourself to fall into a villainous route, it ends up suiting you well as you find an easy, luxurious life. Really, with all the undead support at your side, you are left with little complaints. Except for the smell... Congratulations (?) you have reached the end of your journey! This is Ending #15 Please CLICK HERE to head back to the main thread. From there, you can read the Turning In instructions to finalize your form. Please indicate that you reached Ending #15 when you do. Thank you for participating and we hope you enjoyed this year's challenge! |
AWC_modJan 15, 2023 1:08 PM
Jan 15, 2023 12:18 AM
You chose Route 7.3.8 The right path quickly leads to what appears to be a dead end. You curse under your breath as you slouch down to the ground. Peering out into the darkness, however, a slight glimmer catches your eye. After working up the ambition, you rise back to your feet and head towards it. Lit up ominously by a ray of moonlight is a golden staff wedged into the ground. You approach cautiously and take hold. Instantly you are teleported to a dimly lit room draped in velvet. Before you sits a man, a smug look on his face. "Welcome to my humble abode," he exclaims grandly. "I am The Demon King." At first you thought he before you was joking. However, his presence was undeniably intimidating and you instinctively backed away into a defensive stance. "Easy now, I have no intention of fighting you. Quite the opposite actually; you see, you've been chosen as my heir." "Heir, what do you mean?" you ask, still not letting your guard down. "Simple. I've grown bored of my role as The Demon King and I am passing it on. You were chosen as a fitting vessel to be the next." He shrugs dismissively as if he was just passing off a menial task to a coworker. "But all I've done in this world is walk around in a forest..." you retort, feeling as if there must have been some sort of mistake. The Demon King laughs, "Yes, oddly enough this job doesn't really require much. The power is just passed down arbitrarily, despite its grandeur. That said, you will need to do a bit of training." The whole situation seems laughable. One second you're wandering around aimlessly, the next you are being handed the keys to an evil empire. What kind of shoddy fantasy world is this? You sigh, scratching the back of your head. "Eh, whatever. What kind of training are we talkin' about?" [quote] [center][color=#68C413][size=150][b]ROUTE 7.3.8: THE DEVIL WENT DOWN TO GEORGIA (/20)[/b][/size][/color][/center] [size=90][b]CHOOSE 20 ITEMS DATE FORMAT:[/b] MMM DD (example: Jan 01)[/size] [b]Route Start Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. January 09, 2023 - the earliest date you started an anime for this route) [b]Route Finish Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. January 25, 2023 - the date you completed your last anime for this route) [spoiler=List][list=1][*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (11) Watch an anime with 20 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (13) Watch an anime with 40 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (14) Watch an anime with 60 or more episodes that are each 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (17) Watch an anime by a studio with 5 - 50 anime in MAL's database [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][Studio: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (19) Watch an anime with two or more studios listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (39) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Radio[/url], [url=]Music[/url], or [url=]Mixed Media[/url] source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (42) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more and a popularity lower than #5000 (e.g. #5001, #5002, etc.) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (43) Watch an anime where the difference between ranking and popularity is at least 1,000 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][Ranking When Started: | Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (54) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Avant Garde[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (54) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Avant Garde[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (59) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Horror[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (85) Watch an anime tagged with [url=]Space[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (92) Watch an anime rated 6.00 or less that is tagged with your favorite genre by weighted score according to [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][Favorite Genre By Weighted Score: | Anime Score: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (94) Watch an anime that has a higher score than a listed Adaptation (under Related Anime) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][Anime Score When Started: | Adaptation Score when Started: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (95) Watch an anime that was completed and scored 5 or less by an AWC Staff Member (listed on the [url=]AWC_mod[/url] profile) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][AWC Staff Member: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (96) Watch an anime tagged with your least watched genre by time according to [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][Least Watched Genre by Time: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (106) Watch an anime with a Japanese honorific in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (131) Watch an anime with a non-humanoid main character [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][Main Character: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (132) Watch a listed anime featuring a character with heterochromia (two different eye colors) according to [url=]Anime-Planet[/url] or [url=]AniDB[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][Character: | List Used: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (138) Watch an anime where the same Voice Actor is credited under at least two different characters (main or supporting) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][Voice Actor/Actress: | Character 1: | Character 2: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (139) Watch an anime featuring voice actors from at least three different languages on its Characters and Staff page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (146) Watch a TV anime with an episode count at least 3 episodes away from the nearest multiple of 13 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (147) Watch an anime with 2 or more episodes and an episode duration of 30 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (171) Watch an anime with a main title that has a one-letter word [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (173) Watch an anime with a main title that has a word repeated at least twice [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/list][center][size=150]When you have completed all the required items proceed to the [b][url=][color=#61C0E3]ROUTE 7.3.8 ENDING[/color][/url][/b][/size][/center] [/spoiler][/quote] |
AeradaeJan 18, 2023 1:15 PM
Jan 15, 2023 12:22 AM
Route 7.3.8 Ending The work you put in to become the next Demon King was just as trivial as the work you had put in to be offered the position. Especially compared to all the exhaustive walking you had to do before this point. Regardless, you finished what had been asked of you and the previous Demon King unceremoniously hands you his crown and cape. "Welp, have fun." he says, teleporting away before you can even come up with a witty retort. You sit down on your new throne and soon after an exhausted man dressed in shiny armor clambers through the door to your room. "Oh, hi," you say. You pick up your hand to wave, but a bolt of black lightning shoots out and vaporizes your guest, leaving you alone again. Oops, I guess this power is going to take some getting used to... You shrug and continue to sit there, wondering when the next time you'll see a hero will be... Congratulations you have reached the end of your journey! This is Ending #16 Please CLICK HERE to head back to the main thread. From there, you can read the Turning In instructions to finalize your form. Please indicate that you reached Ending #16 when you do. Thank you for participating and we hope you enjoyed this year's challenge! |
AWC_modJan 15, 2023 1:09 PM
Jan 15, 2023 12:27 AM
You chose Route 9 You make your way to the closest tavern shown on the map: "The Iron Bramble". From the exterior you would think that the place was abandoned; however, once inside you are pleasantly surprised by how well-kept and homey the rustic decor feels. The sun was still high in the sky so there were only a couple of patrons scattered about. You make your way over to the bar and the young lady behind the counter approaches. "What can I getcha?" she asks warmly. While her hospitality seems genuine and is a welcome change of pace from the apathetic blue square that had previously been the only 'person' you have talked to in this world, you notice her eyeing you warily. Perhaps it was your rather auspicious attire or your still admittedly frazzled demeanor. Pushing that aside, you quickly glance down at the menu and order some food. As the night goes on, more people trickle into the worn-down tavern and you start to relax a bit as conversation naturally bubbles up. Despite your normally introverted tendencies, you really enjoy the company of the other patrons and even order a round of drinks for a group of locals you had befriended. Even the suspicious bartender has warmed up to you and told you a bit about herself. Her name is Skye and she was actually the owner of this bar; she inherited it after her parents had passed. She lamented to you about how it's been rough keeping everything afloat, but seems to genuinely love the place and enjoys maintaining a place of respite for the many weary folks who come in. But all good times come to an end. The crowd fizzles out until only you and Skye remain. "Alrighty, that'll be 250 Gold '' she says casually. Oh didn't realize how little money Mavi had given you. "Uhhhhhhh..." you mumble in embarrassment as Skye raises an eyebrow. She chuckles and throws up her hands in a mock defeat, "Yeah, I figured this might happen. You're from another world huh?" Is that a common occurrence here? You nod solemnly and she lets out an exaggerated sigh: "Well this normally would be the part where I angrily chase you outta here, but you actually seem like a decent person. You want a job? You can just work off your debt, plus I've got a spare room upstairs." Seeing little other option, you sheepishly accept and begin your new job at The Iron Bramble. [quote] [center][color=#68C413][size=150][b]ROUTE 9: DO YOU ACCEPT CREDIT CARDS? (/10)[/b][/size][/color][/center] [size=90][b]CHOOSE 10 ITEMS DATE FORMAT:[/b] MMM DD (example: Jan 01)[/size] [b]Route Start Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. January 09, 2023 - the earliest date you started an anime for this route) [b]Route Finish Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. January 25, 2023 - the date you completed your last anime for this route) [spoiler=List][list=1][*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (21) Watch an anime that began airing the same year you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (27) Watch an anime that began airing between 2016 and 2022 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (28) Watch an anime that began airing between 2010 and 2015 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (29) Watch an anime that began airing between 2000 and 2009 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (34) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Light Novel[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (47) Watch an anime tagged as [url=]Seinen[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (50) Watch an anime rated R - 17+ (violence & profanity) or R+ (Mild Nudity) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (56) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Comedy[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (56) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Comedy[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (64) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Sports[/url], [url=]Combat Sports[/url], or [url=]Team Sports[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (68) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]CGDCT[/url] or [url=]Gag Humor[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (72) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Male Idols[/url] or [url=]Female Idols[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (89) Watch a listed [url=]Episodic[/url] themed anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (154) Watch an anime starting with the letter G [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (155) Watch an anime starting with the letter H [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/list][center][size=150]When you have completed all the required items proceed to [b][url=][color=#61C0E3]ROUTE 9.1[/color][/url][/b][/size][/center] [/spoiler][/quote] |
AeradaeJan 18, 2023 1:15 PM
Jan 15, 2023 12:29 AM
You chose Route 9.1 A few months pass and you've really gotten into the flow of things. Sure, it took a few broken plates and a scolding or two, but you and Skye are running the place like clockwork now. While you still mostly wash dishes and clean the tables, you recently spent some time in the kitchen and both you and Skye were pleasantly surprised at how well your dishes were turning out! At this point you had paid off your debt and managed to stow away a bit of pocket money, not enough to live luxuriously but enough to comfortably and brave this new world. Another Friday night comes to a close and cleanup begins, but something feels... off. Skye has been oddly distant lately, sometimes zoning out with a melancholic look on her face. "Are you... gonna leave?" she asks quietly, piercing the awkward silence. "You don't owe me anything at this point and I'm sure you'd rather go explore the world than stick around in this musty ol' place." She kept her back to you the whole time. The suddenly serious tone in Skye's voice snaps you back to reality. Right, I'm in a crazy fantasy world... Do I really want to just work this standard job? You hadn't really put much thought into plans up to this point, so you sit in contemplation for a moment before answering: ROUTE 10.1: To reply with "I'm not going anywhere" -> CLICK HERE ROUTE 10.2: To reply with "It's been great, but yeah I've got to go" -> CLICK HERE |
AWC_modJan 15, 2023 1:23 PM
Jan 15, 2023 11:33 AM
You chose Route 10.1 Skye quickly turns around and embraces you tightly as you feel a few hot tears hit your shoulder. You stay like that for just a few seconds until Skye comes back to her senses and breaks away, blushing profusely. "I guess I can keep you around, if you really don't have anywhere else to be,'' she stammers, her bright red face betraying her standoffish words. You start to laugh, which only deepens her blush as you both go about finishing the cleaning. There's more work to be done but hey, this ain't too shabby. [quote] [center][color=#68C413][size=150][b]ROUTE 10.1: ONLY HEARTS CAN BUILD A HOME (/30)[/b][/size][/color][/center] [size=90][b]CHOOSE 30 ITEMS DATE FORMAT:[/b] MMM DD (example: Jan 01)[/size] [b]Route Start Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. January 09, 2023 - the earliest date you started an anime for this route) [b]Route Finish Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. January 25, 2023 - the date you completed your last anime for this route) [spoiler=List][list=1][*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (3) Watch a Movie with a total duration of 1 hour 30 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (44) Watch an anime tagged as [url=]Kids[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (46) Watch an anime tagged as [url=]Shoujo[/url] or [url=]Josei[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (48) Watch an anime rated G (All Ages) or PG (Children) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (49) Watch an anime rated PG-13 (Teens 13 or Older) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (55) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Boys Love[/url] or [url=]Girls Love[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (61) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Romance[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (61) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Romance[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (61) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Romance[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (63) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Slice of Life[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (73) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Isekai[/url] or [url=]Reincarnation[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (74) Watch an anime tagged with [url=]Iyashikei[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (76) Watch an anime tagged with [url=]Martial Arts[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (81) Watch an anime tagged with [url=]Otaku Culture[/url] or [url=]Parody[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (84) Watch an anime tagged with [url=]School[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (93) Watch an anime with 50 or less favorites on MAL and an episode duration of 16 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (98) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more that's tagged with 3 Genres or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (111) Watch an anime with a Director that also directed one of your completed Favorite Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][Favorite Anime: | Director: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (123) Watch an anime with the "More Info" section provided [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (125) Watch a TV-type anime with an irregular release schedule (where at least one episode was released less than 7 days after its previous episode or more than 7 days after its previous episode) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (127) Watch an anime with at least 2 human children (12 or younger) as main characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][MC 1: | MC 2: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (128) Watch an anime featuring 2 main characters who are family according to [url=]AniDB[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][MC 1: | MC 2: | Relationship: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (130) Watch an anime with a Narrator listed on the Characters and Staff page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (136) Watch an anime that finished airing before you started it and has more main characters than supporting characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][Main Characters: | Supporting Characters: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (137) Watch an anime with a main character that has 2 or more Japanese Voice Actors of the same gender listed on the character page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][Main Character: | Character Page Link: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (140) Watch an anime that finished airing before you started it which has no Opening Theme (OP) and no Ending Theme (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (170) Watch an anime where two characters are husband and wife [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][Husband: | Wife: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (170) Watch an anime where two characters are husband and wife [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][Husband: | Wife: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (172) Watch an anime that has at least 3 words in the main title that start with the same letter [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (175) Watch a sequel anime that was released less than a year after its prequel [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (177) Watch an anime from an AWC Staff member's [url=]Stack[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][AWC Staff Stack: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (180) Watch an anime that started airing in January [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (183) Watch an anime that started airing in April [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (186) Watch an anime that started airing in July [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (189) Watch an anime that started airing in October [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/list][center][size=150]When you have completed all the required items proceed to [b][url=][color=#61C0E3]ROUTE 10.1 ENDING[/color][/url][/b][/size][/center] [/spoiler][/quote] |
AeradaeJan 18, 2023 1:15 PM
Jan 15, 2023 1:19 PM
Route 10.1 Ending Three years have passed now. You and Skye had gotten engaged and subsequently married, to the surprise of none of the regulars at the tavern who have teased the two of you for ages. The tavern itself had thrived over the years as you had worked your hardest on some renovations. Your first daughter, Celia, was turning a year old soon and the three of you couldn't be a more picturesque family. Every now and then you think back to your old life and wonder if there was a way back. Would you have been happier returning to your old life? Was this time in a fantasy setting wasted on domesticated bliss? But in the end, you bring it back to reality, take stock of what's in front of you, and are thankful to be alive. Sure, this might not be the flashiest way your journey could have ended, but your happiness is undeniable. Congratulations, you have reached the end of your journey! This is Ending #17 Please CLICK HERE to head back to the main thread. From there, you can read the Turning In instructions to finalize your form. Please indicate that you reached Ending #17 when you do. Thank you for participating and we hope you enjoyed this year's challenge! |
AWC_modJan 15, 2023 1:23 PM
Jan 15, 2023 1:20 PM
You chose Route 10.2 Skye turns around and grins cheekily: "Why so serious all of a sudden? I know you were on your way out, just wanted to get a better sense of time so I can line up the next sucker to boss around." You laugh it off, continuing your cleaning, the awkward silence falling upon the room again. A few days later your bags are packed and you are ready to hit the road. Skye sees you off with a slap on the back and a few snarky remarks as you make your way towards the town square. However, you don't get too far before you hear a familiar grunt: "Hey! Listen..." To your left Mavi is buzzing around your head. "So ya wanna start a harem right?" What? "I mean, ya picked the Romance Route and rejected the main girl, that means ya wanna start a harem. Or at the very least you wanna get together with another chick, dude, or other. Well, consider me your personal matchmaker because I've got a ton of options, so take yer pick." You are a bit grossed out by the skeeviness of the crass fairy and the convoluted circumstance you find yourself in, but you can't help but admit you are intrigued by the proposition. There are bound to be all sorts of types in a world like this, might as well see what's out there... Out of thin air a list materializes with nine romance prospects. Maybe you could try to find an exclusive partner? Or maybe you wanna build your own harem? You ponder the choices until you make your first choice... ROUTE 11.1: To choose Catgirl romance (monster, female) -> CLICK HERE ROUTE 11.2: To choose Lamia romance (monster, female) -> CLICK HERE ROUTE 11.3: To choose Harpy romance (monster, female) -> CLICK HERE ROUTE 11.4: To choose Dragon romance (monster, female) -> CLICK HERE ROUTE 11.5: To choose Knight romance (human, male) -> CLICK HERE ROUTE 11.6: To choose Sorceror romance (monster, male) -> CLICK HERE ROUTE 11.7: To choose Demon romance (monster, male) -> CLICK HERE ROUTE 11.8: To choose Slime romance (monster, gender neutral) -> CLICK HERE ROUTE 11.9: To choose Elf romance (monster, gender neutral) -> CLICK HERE |
AWC_modJan 15, 2023 4:43 PM
Jan 15, 2023 1:32 PM
You chose Route 11.1 [quote] [center][color=#68C413][size=150][b]ROUTE 11.1: I'M FELINE A CONNECTION BETWEEN US (/5)[/b][/size][/color][/center] [size=90][b]CHOOSE 5 ITEMS DATE FORMAT:[/b] MMM DD (example: Jan 01)[/size] [b]Route Start Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. January 09, 2023 - the earliest date you started an anime for this route) [b]Route Finish Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. January 25, 2023 - the date you completed your last anime for this route) [spoiler=List][list=1][*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (11) Watch an anime with 20 or more episodes that are each 15 minutes or less [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (61) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Romance[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (67) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Anthropomorphic[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (70) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Harem[/url] or [url=]Reverse Harem[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (81) Watch an anime tagged with [url=]Otaku Culture[/url] or [url=]Parody[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (104) Watch an anime with the word "Animation" in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (128) Watch an anime featuring 2 main characters who are family according to [url=]AniDB[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][MC 1: | MC 2: | Relationship: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (132) Watch a listed anime featuring a character with heterochromia (two different eye colors) according to [url=]Anime-Planet[/url] or [url=]AniDB[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][Character: | List Used: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (150) Watch an anime starting with the letter C [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (178) Watch an anime with a related anime from a different studio [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][Related Anime: | Studio of Related Anime: ][/color] [/list][center][size=150]When you have completed all the required items proceed to [b][url=][color=#61C0E3]ROUTE 11.1 ENDING[/color][/url][/b][/size][/center] [/spoiler][/quote] |
AeradaeJan 18, 2023 1:15 PM
Jan 15, 2023 1:32 PM
Route 11.1 Ending You find the Catgirl lounging on the roof of the church. Shouting to get her attention proves fruitless, so you do what any rational adult would: you climb a nearby oak tree and leap onto the roof. However, you slightly overestimated your abilities, falling short of your goal and barely hanging onto the siding. The thud of your impact startles the Catgirl as she blinks her eyes open and makes her way towards you. Before she gets there though, you manage to drag your body onto the slate, gasping for breath. "Nyahahahaha you're funny!" the Catgirl cackles, rolling around carefree next to you. "I was wondering why someone was calling my name, but I never would've expected them to climb up here with me. I like you!" Well that was easy. After calming down a bit, you manage to strike up a conversation with the Catgirl. It's not exactly riveting, philosophical stuff, but you seem to both enjoy throwing airy, comedic quips at one another. Soon after you find yourself playing tag with her, and you end the day off with her showing off some random trinkets she had collected out and about. As the sun sets you see your companion yawn and figure it's time to call it a day. As you gather your things, the Catgirl asks "see you tomorrow?" as she tilts her head. "See you tomorrow," you reply. She smiles cheekily and leaps off in the other direction. You're sad to see the fun-filled day end but are sure that this ray of sunshine will come again. Congratulations on finishing Romance Route #1! You may either GO BACK TO THE PREVIOUS PAGE to add someone else to your harem or CLICK HERE to complete your challenge and head to the main thread. From there, you can read the Turning In instructions to finalize your form. Please indicate that you reached Ending #19 and Romance Route #1 when you do, as well as any other Romance Routes you've completed up to this point. |
AWC_modJan 15, 2023 1:59 PM
Jan 15, 2023 1:36 PM
You chose Route 11.2 [quote] [center][color=#68C413][size=150][b]ROUTE 11.2: WARM THIS COLD-BLOODED BODY OF MINE (/5)[/b][/size][/color][/center] [size=90][b]CHOOSE 5 ITEMS DATE FORMAT:[/b] MMM DD (example: Jan 01)[/size] [b]Route Start Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. January 09, 2023 - the earliest date you started an anime for this route) [b]Route Finish Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. January 25, 2023 - the date you completed your last anime for this route) [spoiler=List][list=1][*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (1) Watch an OVA with 2 or more episodes [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (10) Watch a listed [url=]Ghibli Founders[/url], [url=]Tezuka Universe[/url], or [url=]World Masterpiece Theater[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][List Used: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (17) Watch an anime by a studio with 5 - 50 anime in MAL's database [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][Studio: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (30) Watch an anime that began airing between 1990 and 1999 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (35) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]4-koma Manga[/url], [url=]Web Manga[/url] or [url=]Digital Manga[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (41) Watch an anime with a total duration of 16 minutes or more and a popularity lower than #2000 (e.g. #2001, #2002, etc.) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (51) Watch an anime tagged as [url=]Hentai[/url] or [url=]Erotica[/url] [[b]ALTERNATIVELY[/b]: Watch an anime that is both rated R+ (Mild Nudity) and is tagged as [url=]Ecchi[/url]] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (61) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Romance[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (82) Watch an anime tagged with [url=]Psychological[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (139) Watch an anime featuring voice actors from at least three different languages on its Characters and Staff page [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/list][center][size=150]When you have completed all the required items proceed to [b][url=][color=#61C0E3]ROUTE 11.2 ENDING[/color][/url][/b][/size][/center] [/spoiler][/quote] |
AeradaeJan 18, 2023 1:16 PM
Jan 15, 2023 1:36 PM
Route 11.2 Ending You find the Lamia out in the center of the marketplace behind her large stand, deep in the middle of a heckling war with a customer: "This vase comes all the way from Bylia, do you have any idea how far I had to slither to get this over here? Don't be ridiculous!" "No way a vase could ever be worth that much! You can keep it, you damn snake!" the customer scoffed, stomping away furiously. "It deserves a better owner than you anyways, ya jerk!" the Lamia yelled. The loss of composure caused the vase to slip from her tail. Just before it hit the ground you dive towards it, arms outstretched, and manage to protect it from danger. The Lamia, shocked by your sudden entrance into the scene, exclaims: "Oh! Uh, thanks I guess." You hand her the vase and dust yourself off, introducing yourself. "I didn't really ask but okay," she huffs. "I'm a merchant around these parts. I just got back from Bylia with this set of merchandise. If you see anything you like, let me know... I can maybe give you a discount as thanks." You look through the wares, but it's mostly decorations, furniture, and cutlery that would only do you good if you actually had a home to put it in. That in mind, you let the Lamia know that you're good for now and she nods curtly. Just as you turn to leave, she calls out: "Today's my last day in town, but I'll be back in two weeks. If you want, I can buy you dinner... I do kinda owe you, I suppose." Her eyes were looking down, but she snuck a quick glance at you before looking back to the same spot. You confirm the plans, she nods bashfully, and is then waved down by another customer. It wasn't the most romantic first impression ever, but your gut tells you this could be the start to an interesting friendship at the very least. Congratulations on finishing Romance Route #2! You may either go back to the previous page to add another girl to your harem or call your challenge here. You may either GO BACK TO THE PREVIOUS PAGE to add someone else to your harem or CLICK HERE to complete your challenge and head to the main thread. From there, you can read the Turning In instructions to finalize your form. Please indicate that you reached Ending #19 and Romance Route #2 when you do, as well as any other Romance Routes you've completed up to this point. |
AWC_modJan 15, 2023 2:00 PM
Jan 15, 2023 1:38 PM
You chose Route 11.3 [quote] [center][color=#68C413][size=150][b]ROUTE 11.3: YOUR ROMANTIC TASTE IS IMPECKABLE (/5)[/b][/size][/color][/center] [size=90][b]CHOOSE 5 ITEMS DATE FORMAT:[/b] MMM DD (example: Jan 01)[/size] [b]Route Start Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. January 09, 2023 - the earliest date you started an anime for this route) [b]Route Finish Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. January 25, 2023 - the date you completed your last anime for this route) [spoiler=List][list=1][*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (2) Watch a Special or ONA with a total duration of 20 minutes or more [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (20) Watch an anime from your least favorite studio by weighted score on [url=]Anime+[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][Least Favorite Studio: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (59) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Horror[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (61) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Romance[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (70) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Harem[/url] or [url=]Reverse Harem[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (123) Watch an anime with the "More Info" section provided [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (127) Watch an anime with at least 2 human children (12 or younger) as main characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][MC 1: | MC 2: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (142) Watch an anime with either 5 or more Opening Themes (OP) listed or 5 or more Ending Themes (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (143) Watch an anime in which 2 or more of the Opening Theme (OP) and/or Ending Theme (ED) are performed by the same Artist/Group [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][Artist/Group: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (155) Watch an anime starting with the letter H [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/list][center][size=150]When you have completed all the required items proceed to [b][url=][color=#61C0E3]ROUTE 11.3 ENDING[/color][/url][/b][/size][/center] [/spoiler][/quote] |
AeradaeJan 18, 2023 1:16 PM
Jan 15, 2023 1:38 PM
Route 11.3 Ending You enter the cobbler shop and are immediately greeted by the Harpy who is busy mending a leather shoe behind her workstation. The small shop has a homely feel, but remains empty except for the two of you. You watch in awe as the Harpy delicately grasps the shoe in a talon, using her beak to dexterously stitch a loose part back together. You find it rather peculiar that a creature that doesn't wear shoes would devote their livelihood to shoe repairs. Just as you push that thought aside, you see that the Harpy has stopped working and is staring intently at your feet. "What are those?" she asks, bewildered, gesturing towards your white sneakers. Oh yeah, that wouldn't be a normal thing here huh? "Wanna take a look?" you ask, receiving some very enthusiastic nods in response. You hand her your shoe and as she inspects it, you strike up a rather nice conversation. You start to feel some real chemistry between the two of you, seemingly confirmed by the way the Harpy is looking at you. Before you know it, it has gotten pretty late. "Well, I guess I should get going, I'm sure you need to close up shop too. I'll see you around!" But just as you take a step towards the door, you feel a large wing wrap around you. "Whoa whoa whoa, you aren't going anywhere." You laugh nervously, trying to nudge the wing aside gently but she doesn't budge. "See, I've been watching you for a while now. And while you may not know me well, I know everything about you," she says sultrily. You audibly gulp. "I really should g-" "Go? Where? To try and pick up some other chicks? Or maybe you want to go back to The Iron Bramble?" she interrupts. "You don't need *anyone* else but me, sweetie." Oh no, she really has been following me around. This harpy really is a bird of prey, and it seems she has her eyes set on you. Yandere had always interested you as an archetype, but you aren't sure exactly how well this is going to translate out to real life. Regardless, this sure has turned into an odd end for you. Congratulations (?) you have reached the end of your journey! This is Ending #18. You have found the Yandere so CLICK HERE to head to the main thread. From there, you can read the Turning In instructions to finalize your form. Please indicate that you reached Ending #18 when you do, as well as any other Romance Routes you've completed up to this point. Thank you for participating and we hope you enjoyed this year's challenge! |
AWC_modJan 15, 2023 5:31 PM
Jan 15, 2023 1:43 PM
You chose Route 11.4 [quote] [center][color=#68C413][size=150][b]ROUTE 11.4: YOU'RE SO HOT I NEED FIRE RESISTANCE (/5)[/b][/size][/color][/center] [size=90][b]CHOOSE 5 ITEMS DATE FORMAT:[/b] MMM DD (example: Jan 01)[/size] [b]Route Start Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. January 09, 2023 - the earliest date you started an anime for this route) [b]Route Finish Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. January 25, 2023 - the date you completed your last anime for this route) [spoiler=List][list=1][*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (37) Watch an anime adapted from a [url=]Book[/url], [url=]Picture Book[/url] or [url=]Novel[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (51) Watch an anime tagged as [url=]Hentai[/url] or [url=]Erotica[/url] [[b]ALTERNATIVELY[/b]: Watch an anime that is both rated R+ (Mild Nudity) and is tagged as [url=]Ecchi[/url]] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (61) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Romance[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (67) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Anthropomorphic[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (80) Watch an anime tagged with [url=]Mythology[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (113) Watch an anime that another 2023 AWC participant has already completed for this challenge [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][Active Participant: | Their Item #: | Post Link: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (115) Watch a completed anime scored 10 or 9 by another 2023 AWC participant that posted on the first or second page of the [url=]sign-up thread[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][Active Participant: | Initial Post #: | Their Completed List Link: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (124) Watch an anime with an episode duration of 16 minutes or more that was [url=]Reviewed[/url] the day you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][Review Link: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (133) Watch an anime featuring a character with a disability according to [url=]Anime-Planet[/url] or [url=]AniDB[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][Character: | List Used: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (136) Watch an anime that finished airing before you started it and has more main characters than supporting characters [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][Main Characters: | Supporting Characters: ][/color] [/list][center][size=150]When you have completed all the required items proceed to [b][url=][color=#61C0E3]ROUTE 11.4 ENDING[/color][/url][/b][/size][/center] [/spoiler][/quote] |
AeradaeJan 18, 2023 1:16 PM
Jan 15, 2023 1:44 PM
Route 11.4 Ending "What am I even doing?" you ask yourself as you approach a cave near the outskirts of town. Rumor has it that the dragon you are looking for resides here, but nobody has dared to disturb her peaceful slumber. You had started this journey under the assumption that she was a dragon-human hybrid, but it was becoming more and more apparent that you were mistaken. However, you were already committed to the search at this point so you stubbornly persisted. You quietly tiptoe your way through the dim cavern until the passageway opens up into a large room full of gold coins and trinkets. Under normal circumstances your focus would be fixated by the gold, but a more pressing matter sits calmly in the middle of the room. You are now face-to-face with the Dragon, whose red scales shimmer in the torchlight. She towers over you, slowly blinking, unperturbed by your presence as if you were just an ant. You had opted to bring no weapons or armor to the cave, which on paper sounded like a stupid decision but the intent was to not antagonize the timid dragon. That decision appeared to be paying dividends as a very relaxed mood seemed to overtake the room. After a few minutes, you slowly reach into your pocket and place some of the gold you've earned from The Iron Bramble onto the cool cave floor. The dragon seems appreciative and stretches out its wing. Confused by the gesture, you reach out to pet the wing, but the dragon quickly scoops you up and plops you onto her back. Before you are even able to register what just happened, her wings are flapping with great force as you zoom out of the den and into the open sky. You're now flying well above the city, holding on for dear life. Once you get used to the speed and wind hitting your face, you look out in awe at the amazing view. The golden evening sun casts long shadows on the town and shimmers against the ocean that you didn't even know was way out to the north. You notice your altitude dropping and hold tight against the dragon as she lands in an open field. Now settled in, she cranes her neck back and picks you up by your shirt collar, placing you gently in front of her. "Thank you," you say, grateful for the unique experience. She puffs her nose playfully then reaches behind and pulls a loose scale off her back. It's tenderly placed in your hand and another large gust of wind is whipped up as she flies away, leaving you breathless. You aren't sure if you really "romanced the dragon" but at the very least you had a nice time and hoped to take her up on this again. Now... how are you going to get home? Congratulations on finishing Romance Route #4! You may either go back to the previous page to add someone else to your harem or end your challenge here. You may either GO BACK TO THE PREVIOUS PAGE to add someone else to your harem or CLICK HERE to complete your challenge and head to the main thread. From there, you can read the Turning In instructions to finalize your form. Please indicate that you reached Ending #19 and Romance Route #4 when you do, as well as any other Romance Routes you've completed up to this point. |
AeradaeFeb 6, 2023 7:29 PM
Jan 15, 2023 1:45 PM
You chose Route 11.5 [quote] [center][color=#68C413][size=150][b]ROUTE 11.5: BRIGHTEST STAR IN MY KNIGHT SKY (/5)[/b][/size][/color][/center] [size=90][b]CHOOSE 5 ITEMS DATE FORMAT:[/b] MMM DD (example: Jan 01)[/size] [b]Route Start Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. January 09, 2023 - the earliest date you started an anime for this route) [b]Route Finish Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. January 25, 2023 - the date you completed your last anime for this route) [spoiler=List][list=1][*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (51) Watch an anime tagged as [url=]Hentai[/url] or [url=]Erotica[/url] [[b]ALTERNATIVELY[/b]: Watch an anime that is both rated R+ (Mild Nudity) and is tagged as [url=]Ecchi[/url]] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (61) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Romance[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (78) Watch an anime tagged with [url=]Military[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (101) Watch an anime that has a one-word main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (107) Watch an anime with at least two different non-alphanumeric characters in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (112) Watch an anime suggested by [url=]MAL[/url] or by [url=]Anime+[/url] and provide a screenshot [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (116) Choose a Legendary! winner from [url=]last year's challenge[/url] and watch an anime listed as a Favorite on their MAL profile [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][Legendary! Winner: | Level #: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (118) Watch an anime recommended to you in the [url=]AWC 2023 Participant Recommendations[/url] thread [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][Recommendation Link: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (129) Watch an anime with a human main character that is not Japanese [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][Main Character: | Nationality: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (141) Watch an anime with 20 or more episodes that has only one Opening Theme (OP) and one Ending Theme (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/list][center][size=150]When you have completed all the required items proceed to [b][url=][color=#61C0E3]ROUTE 11.5 ENDING[/color][/url][/b][/size][/center] [/spoiler][/quote] |
mozgowFeb 28, 2023 10:45 AM
Jan 15, 2023 1:46 PM
Route 11.5 Ending You approach the northmost gate of town for your first time since being transported to this world. Despite being one of the only two ways in and out of the city proper it remained rather unused, as it wasn't a part of any trade routes and just led to unkempt, unremarkable wilderness. There you find a muscular knight dressed in light armor posted at high alert. You watch from a distance, impressed at his stoicism despite a lack of perceived audience. Just as you emerge from your hiding spot though, the man opens his mouth super wide in a cartoonishly large yawn. You giggle and the Knight, now noticing you, blushes profusely and clears his throat. "Ahem, can I help you?" "Nah," you reply, "I was just wondering if you wanted some company out here." He looks around warily as if he would be breaking some kind of protocol by hanging out with you, but finding nobody around he grins cheekily and says "Sure!" The two of you sit lazily against the gate as the Knight tells you about himself. He was the oldest of five siblings from a rural village far west from town. Pressured by his responsibility to take care of the family and short on practical skills, he joined the military. But while he was able to become physically stronger, his overall clumsiness and bad luck led to him being a real hassle for the higher-ups. They stationed him as far away from anyone as possible so that he couldn't do any damage. Listening to his story you feel bad for him and put a hand on his shoulder in comfort. For a brief second, he looks really appreciative, but soon becomes flustered again: "Oh, I'm sorry I've been talking about myself this whole time, didn't mean to get emotional." The two of you go on for a little while longer, joking and rambling about random mundane topics until you notice the sun has almost completely set. "Well, looks like my shift is over. Wanna catch a bite?" he asks. You accept and the two of you walk back into the town proper, chatting and laughing the night away. Congratulations on finishing Romance Route #5! You may either go back to the previous page to add someone else to your harem or end your challenge here. You may either GO BACK TO THE PREVIOUS PAGE to add someone else to your harem or CLICK HERE to complete your challenge and head to the main thread. From there, you can read the Turning In instructions to finalize your form. Please indicate that you reached Ending #19 and Romance Route #5 when you do, as well as any other Romance Routes you've completed up to this point. |
AeradaeFeb 6, 2023 7:29 PM
Jan 15, 2023 1:51 PM
You chose Route 11.6 [quote] [center][color=#68C413][size=150][b]ROUTE 11.6: NO LOVE POTION REQUIRED (/5)[/b][/size][/color][/center] [size=90][b]CHOOSE 5 ITEMS DATE FORMAT:[/b] MMM DD (example: Jan 01)[/size] [b]Route Start Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. January 09, 2023 - the earliest date you started an anime for this route) [b]Route Finish Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. January 25, 2023 - the date you completed your last anime for this route) [spoiler=List][list=1][*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (23) Watch an anime that began airing the same day you joined MAL [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (25) Watch a TV-type anime with a Sequel listed under Related Anime [i](must also complete Item 26 to be valid)[/i] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (26) Watch a Sequel to the anime used for Item 25 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (61) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Romance[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (70) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Harem[/url] or [url=]Reverse Harem[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (75) Watch an anime tagged with Mahou Shoujo on [url=]MAL[/url] or [url=]Github[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (77) Watch an anime tagged with [url=]Mecha[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (105) Watch an anime with 6 or more words in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (138) Watch an anime where the same Voice Actor is credited under at least two different characters (main or supporting) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][Voice Actor/Actress: | Character 1: | Character 2: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (145) Watch an anime featuring an Opening Theme (OP) or Ending Theme (ED) with a Spotify link on its MAL page (found by clicking the song title) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][Song title: ][/color] [/list][center][size=150]When you have completed all the required items proceed to [b][url=][color=#61C0E3]ROUTE 11.6 ENDING[/color][/url][/b][/size][/center] [/spoiler][/quote] |
AeradaeJan 18, 2023 1:16 PM
Jan 15, 2023 1:51 PM
Route 11.6 Ending You find yourself standing alongside a swamp, surrounded by colorful and frankly poisonous-looking plants. Breaking the fauna is a singular cottage. Its exterior is plain, but somehow its natural simplicity feels fitting against the more vibrant background. You approach the door and knock. Soon after, a tall man with fox ears protruding from his silver hair answers. "Good evening," he says coolly, "Come right in." You enter the cottage and are immediately greeted by four walls filled to the brim with shelves of vials and bottles. While seeming cluttered at first glance, the labels throughout hint there is some order to this chaos. The same couldn't be said about the state of the rest of the house. Piles of paper and scrolls are strewn about haphazardly across tables and chairs that are positioned in awkward angles. "Sorry for the mess," the Sorceror says, rubbing a hand against his neck in embarrassment. "What ails you today?" The question indicates that he figured you were here as a customer, which caught you off-guard. "Ummmm, I've got a bit of a headache," you lie, feeling like a pretense to your visit outside of 'I want to date you' is necessary. The fox youkai raises an eyebrow, but turns to a shelf and grabs a bottle filled with a purple liquid, handing it to you. "Here you are, this should kick in immediately." The Sorceror then looks at you expectantly. You fish out some money from your pocket and he graciously accepts it. But he continues to look at you, then makes a sweeping gesture towards the potion in your hand. Ohhhhh, he wants you to drink it now. Well, its headache medicine, I'm sure it would be fine even if I don't actually have a headache, you think to yourself. You pop the cork and gulp the slightly bitter liquid down. Immediately you start laughing hysterically. "W-whhahahaha-t's g-oing onnn!?" you manage to gasp out in between choking laughs. The youkai looks down at you, smiling mischievously. "That's actually a potion that makes you crack up if the last thing you said was a lie." Oop, busted. "Alrighty, that's enough," the Sorceror says casually, you laughing uncontrollably all the while. "Here's the antidote." He tosses it your way. You catch the vile of similarly colored liquid and gulp it down desperately, sighing in relief as the laughter immediately stopped. "Next time, come with an actual ailment and we can get you all fixed up," the Sorcerer said smiling coyly. You nod and apologize, shuffling to the door. "Or..." he calls out, right before you exit the swamp. "Just stop by to say hello." You turn back to look at him. The coy smile still covers his face, but from a distance you could swear his face is a little redder than you remembered. You reply back with an "okay" and leave the isolated area, pondering what the plan is for your next visit. Congratulations on finishing Romance Route #6! You may either go back to the previous page to add someone else to your harem or end your challenge here. You may either GO BACK TO THE PREVIOUS PAGE to add someone else to your harem or CLICK HERE to complete your challenge and head to the main thread. From there, you can read the Turning In instructions to finalize your form. Please indicate that you reached Ending #19 and Romance Route #6 when you do, as well as any other Romance Routes you've completed up to this point. |
AeradaeFeb 6, 2023 7:29 PM
Jan 15, 2023 1:53 PM
You chose Route 11.7 [quote] [center][color=#68C413][size=150][b]ROUTE 11.7: I DO NOT NEED A THOUSAND SOULS, I ONLY NEED ONE (/5)[/b][/size][/color][/center] [size=90][b]CHOOSE 5 ITEMS DATE FORMAT:[/b] MMM DD (example: Jan 01)[/size] [b]Route Start Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. January 09, 2023 - the earliest date you started an anime for this route) [b]Route Finish Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. January 25, 2023 - the date you completed your last anime for this route) [spoiler=List][list=1][*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (7) Watch an [url=]Award-Winning[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (19) Watch an anime with two or more studios listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (51) Watch an anime tagged as [url=]Hentai[/url] or [url=]Erotica[/url] [[b]ALTERNATIVELY[/b]: Watch an anime that is both rated R+ (Mild Nudity) and is tagged as [url=]Ecchi[/url]] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (52) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Action[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (57) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Drama[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (61) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Romance[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (103) Watch an anime with the word "Season" in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (109) Watch any anime recommended to one of your completed Favorite Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][Favorite Anime: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (144) Watch an anime featuring a Voice Actor who is also credited with a Theme/Insert Song Performance in the anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][Voice actor/actress: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (149) Watch an anime starting with the letter B [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/list][center][size=150]When you have completed all the required items proceed to [b][url=][color=#61C0E3]ROUTE 11.7 ENDING[/color][/url][/b][/size][/center] [/spoiler][/quote] |
AeradaeJan 18, 2023 1:17 PM
Jan 15, 2023 1:54 PM
Route 11.7 Ending Of all the choices you could've made, this seems to be the most dangerous one. As opposed to going to some location in town to track down the Demon, you ended up heading towards a neighboring city where he was supposedly trying to track someone else down. The walk was rather tranquil though, the sky a cloudless and bright sea of blue. You gaze upward as you walk, whistling contently, when you hear a rustling in the bushes to your right. You turn to look, but are immediately startled to feel a glove cupping your mouth. "Shhhhhh," the voice says, grabbing you by the hips and leading you into the shrubbery. Panicking, you try to squirm away, but it is no use. "Calm down," the voice commands in a deep whisper. You crane your head to look and see that your captor is a rather handsome demon. In fact, it's the exact demon you were looking for. His red eyes glow as he looks out at something in the distance. Following his gaze, you see three men walking down the path from the opposite direction you had been travelling. Seeing that you had now stopped squirming, the demon lets you go. "Wait here," he instructs, eyes still fixated on the group. He slinks off closer to the men, staying low and quiet. Right when they are lined up, the Demon jumps from his hiding spot and kicks the nearest man in the back of the head, knocking him down. The largest man trips over himself, startled by the sudden attack. The last of the men pulls out a dagger, only for it to be twisted out of his hand. Just as quickly as the attack had started, it was over. The Demon pulls a long rope from his coat and begins tying up the second and third man. However, the first rises back to his feet and tries to tackle the Demon from behind. Seeing all this from your hiding spot you frantically look around, find a rock at your feet, and chuck it at the assailant. It once again hits him in the back of the head and he falls over, this time out cold. "Wow, that was close... thanks," the Demon says as he begins to tie up the unconscious man. Now finished, he stands back up and dusts himself off. "I'm a bounty hunter and this is what we'd call a triple payday." A sharp-toothed grin covers his otherwise intimidating face as he reaches out his hand for a handshake. You oblige and offer to help move the bound men. "Nah, you've helped plenty. This is the easy part." He snaps his fingers and a pitch black carriage pulled by equally black horses materializes out of thin air. He start to load his 'cargo' onto the back, unceremoniously plopping them in like sacks of potatoes. Soon, everything is situated. "Want a ride to town?" he offers. With tired feet and a morbid curiosity towards the hellish looking vehicle in front of you, you accept. You hop up front with the Demon and, with the whip of the reigns, the carriage is off. The whole way there you chat with the Demon, who is happy to share some of his recent adventures with you. In general, you're grateful that your trip to find him was fruitful. The two of you get to know each other as you ride off into the horizon. Congratulations on finishing Romance Route #7! You may either go back to the previous page to add someone else to your harem or end your challenge here. You may either GO BACK TO THE PREVIOUS PAGE to add someone else to your harem or CLICK HERE to complete your challenge and head to the main thread. From there, you can read the Turning In instructions to finalize your form. Please indicate that you reached Ending #19 and Romance Route #7 when you do, as well as any other Romance Routes you've completed up to this point. |
AeradaeFeb 6, 2023 7:30 PM
Jan 15, 2023 1:56 PM
You chose Route 11.8 [quote] [center][color=#68C413][size=150][b]ROUTE 11.8: I PREFER A DOZEN BUNS OVER A DOZEN ROSES (/5)[/b][/size][/color][/center] [size=90][b]CHOOSE 5 ITEMS DATE FORMAT:[/b] MMM DD (example: Jan 01)[/size] [b]Route Start Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. January 09, 2023 - the earliest date you started an anime for this route) [b]Route Finish Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. January 25, 2023 - the date you completed your last anime for this route) [spoiler=List][list=1][*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (38) Watch an anime adapted from an [url=]Unknown[/url] or [url=]Other[/url] source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (43) Watch an anime where the difference between ranking and popularity is at least 1,000 [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][Ranking When Started: | Popularity When Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (51) Watch an anime tagged as [url=]Hentai[/url] or [url=]Erotica[/url] [[b]ALTERNATIVELY[/b]: Watch an anime that is both rated R+ (Mild Nudity) and is tagged as [url=]Ecchi[/url]] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (61) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Romance[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (85) Watch an anime tagged with [url=]Space[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (99) Watch an anime that has two or more adaptations listed under Related Anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (100) Watch an anime with more users in the "Plan-to-Watch" stat than the "Completed" stat and that finished airing before you started it [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3]["Plan-to-Watch" Members When Started: | "Completed" Members when Started: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (125) Watch a TV-type anime with an irregular release schedule (where at least one episode was released less than 7 days after its previous episode or more than 7 days after its previous episode) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (131) Watch an anime with a non-humanoid main character [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][Main Character: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (168) Watch an anime starting with the letter W [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/list][center][size=150]When you have completed all the required items proceed to [b][url=][color=#61C0E3]ROUTE 11.8 ENDING[/color][/url][/b][/size][/center] [/spoiler][/quote] |
AeradaeJan 18, 2023 1:17 PM
Jan 15, 2023 2:01 PM
Route 11.8 Ending You enter the local bakery, greeted by the pleasant wafting smell of fresh bread. Knowing where you were headed today, you had purposefully woken up super early so you could be there first thing in the morning to enjoy the bread at its peak freshness. However, you are currently feeling the ramifications of that plan. Through groggy eyes, you see the slime-person behind the counter diligently working to move trays of rolls to their designated places. They look up and after some visible strain manage a "Wel...come." Through your time working at the tavern, you had learned that slimes very rarely were able to maintain a humanoid form. Even when they did, they still couldn't really fit into society, so one managing to speak a human language was extremely impressive. In fact you were shocked to even see her profile on Mavi's list, as you didn't even know a slime lived in town. The Slime turns their attention back to work, grabbing a stepladder to reach the top shelf. As you watch them step up, you initially wonder why they couldn't just extend their body to place the tray in its rightful position, but then remember that slimes are very stigmatized. Perhaps they feel self-conscious about your presence and are trying to appear as human as possible... Obviously not used to working the ladder contraption, the Slime wobbles around, flailing their arms around to try to regain balance. The tray of baked goods clatters to the ground, but even without the tray to worry about anymore they are soon falling. Seeing this unfold, you lunge forward cushioning their blow with your torso. The Slime's body feels cool and slightly bouncy against you, maintaining form but springing off the impact just slightly like a gelatin dessert. The sensation is short-lived, however, as they quickly get back to their feet, gaining composure. They turn to meet you, but are averting their eyes in an almost ashamed expression. "Than...kk y-you," they stutter. You are moved by their dedication to maintaining form despite the situation and give them a corny thumbs-up in response, hoping to ease their tension. It seems to have worked as they smile wordlessly and offer you a bun from the nearest tray as a token of appreciation. Knowing this would come out of their pay you silently decline, scoop up one of the rolls that had fallen in the commotion, and take a big bite. The Slime seems shocked by the move, but soon is back to their genuine smile. After helping clean up the scattered rolls you buy one other from a different shelf, say your farewells, and are out the door with both pieces of bread in tow. As you walk down the street you take another chomp from your haul. It wasn't exactly the kind you originally had in mind, as some of the other offerings seemed more appetizing. Oh well, guess you'll be back tomorrow... and maybe the day after too. You chuckle to yourself. It looks like this bakery now has a new regular. Congratulations on finishing Romance Route #8! You may either go back to the previous page to add someone else to your harem or end your challenge here. You may either GO BACK TO THE PREVIOUS PAGE to add someone else to your harem or CLICK HERE to complete your challenge and head to the main thread. From there, you can read the Turning In instructions to finalize your form. Please indicate that you reached Ending #19 and Romance Route #8 when you do, as well as any other Romance Routes you've completed up to this point. |
AeradaeFeb 6, 2023 7:30 PM
Jan 15, 2023 2:02 PM
You chose Route 11.9 [quote] [center][color=#68C413][size=150][b]ROUTE 11.9: CUPID'S ARROW HIT ITS MARK (/5)[/b][/size][/color][/center] [size=90][b]CHOOSE 5 ITEMS DATE FORMAT:[/b] MMM DD (example: Jan 01)[/size] [b]Route Start Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. January 09, 2023 - the earliest date you started an anime for this route) [b]Route Finish Date:[/b] MONTH DAY, YEAR (e.g. January 25, 2023 - the date you completed your last anime for this route) [spoiler=List][list=1][*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (7) Watch an [url=]Award-Winning[/url] anime [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (58) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Fantasy[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (61) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Romance[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (70) Watch an anime that has a total duration of 16 minutes or more and is tagged with [url=]Harem[/url] or [url=]Reverse Harem[/url] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (106) Watch an anime with a Japanese honorific in the main title [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (110) Watch an anime in which one of your Favorite People participated [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][Favorite Person: | Role: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (114) Watch an anime featured in an active 2023 AWC participant's forum avatar or signature [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][Active Participant: | Initial Post #: | Post Link: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (119) Watch an anime recommended to you in the [url=]AWC 2023 Staff Recommendations[/url] thread by an AWC Staff Member [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#61C0E3][Recommendation Link: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (140) Watch an anime that finished airing before you started it which has no Opening Theme (OP) and no Ending Theme (ED) listed [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (163) Watch an anime starting with the letter P [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [/list][center][size=150]When you have completed all the required items proceed to [b][url=][color=#61C0E3]ROUTE 11.9 ENDING[/color][/url][/b][/size][/center] [/spoiler][/quote] |
AeradaeJan 18, 2023 1:17 PM
Jan 15, 2023 2:02 PM
Route 11.9 Ending You approach the guild headquarters on the other side of town. "Didn't expect to find myself back here in this route," you mutter to yourself as you open the door. You quickly spot the party in question and approach. "Hi, I heard you were looking for another party member; could I join?" The three look at one another, seemingly hesitant about being asked out of nowhere. They are obviously worried about your apparent lack of combat skills. In an attempt to ease their fears, you chime in: "I haven't registered with the guild yet, but I've always dreamed of being an adventurer. Plus, I'm a quick learner!" Its a bit of a lie, but you couldn't really lead with 'I'm interested in dating one of you.' The Elf clears their throat: "Okay, but first I want to test you a little bit. Follow me to the training grounds." The two other party members seemed shocked, but all four of you make your way to the fenced-in arena at the back of the guild. The Elf grabs two wooden swords from a rack and unceremoniously throws you one. "I'm a healer by class, but you've got to be able to defend yourself even on the backline. If you can get a strike in, I'll let you join," they say as they twirl the sword around, getting accustomed to the weight. Meanwhile, you awkwardly hold your sword in hand. It's a lot heavier than you would've expected and you have practically no fighting prowess; the situation naturally never came up in your previous life. You glance up only to realize the Elf is charging right at you. You narrowly manage to evade the first thrust, but are knocked down by a follow-up blow. You are given no time to breathe as the next blow comes. You roll out of the way and get back up to your feet, taking up a sword stance you had seen from one of your favorite anime. The Elf smirks at the gesture and the battle continues. The two of you go on for at least 30 minutes, trading blows. As the battle went on, your body started to ache more and more, but your movements became less awkward and more purposeful. The air was filled with harsh breathing as you both are pushed to your limits. Suddenly, before your next attack can start, the Elf puts their hands up and states: "Okay, you pass." Confused and determined, you start: "But I didn't lan-" "I never expected you to land a hit on me. What I really wanted to test was your stamina and resilience. Those are the two most important aspects of adventuring and you seem to have those in spades," the Elf explains. The other two party members nod in agreement. Relieved, you flop down onto your back, panting for air. The Elf stands above you and offers a hand up. "Welcome to the team!" they say triumphantly. Perhaps this was more work than you anticipated out of a first date, but the heartfelt smile the Elf offers you in that moment soothed your soul and prepared you for your new life. Congratulations on finishing Romance Route #9! You may either go back to the previous page to add someone else to your harem or end your challenge here. You may either GO BACK TO THE PREVIOUS PAGE to add someone else to your harem or CLICK HERE to complete your challenge and head to the main thread. From there, you can read the Turning In instructions to finalize your form. Please indicate that you reached Ending #19 and Romance Route #9 when you do, as well as any other Romance Routes you've completed up to this point. |
AeradaeFeb 6, 2023 7:30 PM
Jan 1, 2024 12:13 AM
Jan 11, 1:58 PM
YOU CHOSE ROUTE 2 You quietly point at the deck of cards and the woman lets out a gentle chuckle. The candle flames flicker green for a moment, distracting you, and when you peer back at the table you're mildly shocked to realize the crystal ball has disappeared. “Do not fear, my child, you are safe,” the fortune teller reassures you. Her hand reaches forth and you watch as her bony fingers curl around the deck to pick it up. She begins to slowly shuffle the deck while humming a soft, pleasant tune. You look around a little more and notice a thin layer of smoke drifting around the tent. The scent of lavender and sage gently fills the air, which you aren’t sure you’ve ever smelled outside of the funky shops that sell cool statues of dragons, various crystals, and anime sword replicas. The woman places the deck in front of you, then asks you to take half of the cards and place them to the side. You do as she asks, and she places the other half back on top of the cards you moved before drawing three cards. She lays the three cards in front of you face down, and begins to explain. “Now dearie, this is a simple reading known as a Past, Present, Future drawing. The first card here is a card that represents your past. The middle card represents your present, or you as you are now. The final card is one that will tell you what to expect in the future. Now, lets see what we have here….” She reaches forward and pinches the card on her left, flipping it over with a satisfying flick sound. The card shows a young man holding a stick, alone in a barren plains. The fortune teller chortles softly to herself as she describes the card and its meaning. “Ahhh, the Page of Wands, a card that shows adventure, excitement and curiosity. A young man stands defiant in a barren land, facing worlds that he has yet to explore, ready, willing and able to take the next steps on his journey. I suppose this card and the curiosity from it is what led you here, to meet me, as not just anyone would step foot in this tent. Eeeeh heh heh heh.” The fortune teller cackles heartily as she reaches to flip the second card, the one representing the present. With another pleasant flick the card is flipped to show a jester juggling bright balls in equally colorful clothes. Does this mean she thinks you’re a clown? She looks at you and shakes her head gently as she speaks again. “The Fool. Now this is always an interesting card, and I promise it isn’t an insult to you. The Fool is a card that represents limitless potential, a blank slate, someone who is poised and ready to begin a journey. This could be a journey of self-discovery, self-improvement, or even a physical one where you will travel to mysterious far-off lands. The Fool isn’t an unintelligent person, but someone who knows enough to know he knows nothing and is ready to learn further.” You ponder the meaning of this for a moment as the fortune teller begins to reach for the third card. You begin to get a strange feeling about this third card, like maybe you should turn it upside down. You lunge forward to put your hand on the card, feeling the ornate pattern on the back of the card. The fortune teller pauses and looks at you, almost as if she knows what you were about to do. [color=#9068D4][size=110][b]ROUTE 2: CHOOSING TAROT CARDS[/b][/size][/color] [size=90]✧ Complete [color=#4BB1DF][b]6[/b][/color] items and remove [color=#4BB1DF][b]1[/b][/color] item ✧[/size] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (10) Watch an anime a 2025 AWC participant has listed in their '[url=][color=#9068D4][b]MAL Score vs Anime Score[/b][/color][/url]' profile statistics and provide a screenshot [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#C37FBB][AWC Participant: | Post Link: | Profile Statistics Link: | Screenshot: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (32) Watch an anime that started airing in [b]April[/b] (each episode must be at least 16 minutes) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (33) Watch an anime that started airing in [b]July[/b] (each episode must be at least 16 minutes) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (44) Watch an anime with 7 or more words in the main title (symbols and numbers do not count as words) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (64) Watch an anime with a score of 6.23 or below (anime must finish airing before you start it) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (100) Watch an anime tagged with either [b]Historical[/b] or [b]Horror[/b] (each episode must be at least 16 minutes) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (110) Watch an anime tagged with at least ONE of the following: [b]Childcare[/b], [b]Gag Humor[/b], [b]Magical Sex Shift[/b], [b]Shoujo[/b] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#B22222][Tagged With: ][/color] ROUTE 2.1: To leave the card alone -> CLICK HERE ROUTE 2.2: To flip the card over -> CLICK HERE |
AWC_modJan 16, 7:31 AM
Jan 11, 2:01 PM
YOU CHOSE ROUTE 2.1 You keep your hand on the card for a moment and look up into where you think the fortune teller’s eyes are. The lighting is too poor and the hood is too deep to be able to see them. The candles suddenly flicker to a golden hue for just a moment as the fortune teller smiles a toothless grin at you. Or, you assume it's toothless because you hadn't seen the glimmer of teeth in the candlelight. You slowly retract your hand. She flips the card in the same orientation it was drawn with that sharp flick sound that you have grown to enjoy. [color=#9068D4][size=110][b]ROUTE 2.1: LEAVE THE CARD ALONE[/b][/size][/color] [size=90]✧ Complete [color=#4BB1DF][b]6[/b][/color] items and remove [color=#4BB1DF][b]1[/b][/color] item ✧[/size] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (3) Watch an anime completed by an [url=][color=#4BB1DF][b]AWC Staff Member[/b][/color][/url] (staff must have rated the anime at least an 8 and completed it before item is started) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#B22222][AWC Staff Member: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (23) Watch an anime that began airing between Jan 1, 2010 and Dec 31, 2014 (total duration must be at least 16 minutes) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (49) Watch an anime that has at least 3 words in the main title that start with the same letter [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (76) Watch an [url=][color=#4BB1DF][b]afternoon/evening[/b][/color][/url] anime (broadcast between [url=][color=#9068D4][b]17:00 and 22:59[/b][/color][/url] JST) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (93) Watch an anime in which 2 or more Opening Theme (OP) and/or Ending Theme (ED) are performed by the same [url=][color=#9068D4][b]Artist/Group[/b][/color][/url] (must be two different songs) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#B22222][Artist/Group: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (119) Watch an anime tagged with at least TWO of the following: [b]Action[/b], [b]Drama[/b], [b]Romance[/b], [b]Sci-Fi[/b] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#B22222][Tagged With 1: | Tagged With 2: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (134) Watch an anime adapted from a [b]Novel[/b] or [b]Picture Book[/b] Source [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] When you have completed all the required items proceed to ROUTE 2.1 ENDING |
AWC_modJan 16, 7:32 AM
Jan 11, 5:17 PM
ROUTE 2.1 ENDING WHAT THE CARDS DECREE The card is flipped, revealing an image of a person sitting inside of a chariot-like vehicle driven by two monsters. The person is looking determined, keeping control of the situation with confidence as they wrangle the monsters who seem to want to run in different directions. The fortune teller chuckles again, leaning forward in interest as she enthusiastically describes what this card means, and what it could mean for your future. “The Chariot! An incredibly powerful card indeed! This card represents determination, confidence, self discipline, and control. I think this card is telling you that you are bound for great things, but you will need confidence and discipline to accomplish those great things! So whatever you face in the future, face it with your chin held high and race towards your goals as a chariot would!” The blue flames flicker wildly, almost as if the fire itself is growing excited as the old woman speaks, and the sudden increase in light causes you to blink rapidly a few times. And in that instant it’s all gone. The cards, the fire, the tent, the fortune teller, all of it. Did you dream it all? Was it even real? You look around, and suddenly the sounds of the carnival grounds pick back up in your ears. You look over to see golden light cast onto the area ahead of you with all the crowd ebbing and flowing between the stalls. After a moment you look behind you, into what is now a dark empty field. No, not quite empty. A tiny blue flame floats just above the ground, shedding its dying light onto a card laying in the dirt. Unsurprisingly, it's The Chariot. You pick up the card and put it in your pocket, returning to the crowd with your head held just a little higher than you did before. Congratulations on finishing TAROT ENDING #1! Please go back to your challenge post and put "Tarot Ending #1" at the top of this Mini-Game |
AWC_modJan 16, 7:28 AM
Jan 11, 5:30 PM
YOU CHOSE ROUTE 2.2 You listen to your urge to take control of the reading and flip the card over. The fortune teller stares at you in puzzlement for a moment, and maybe a bit of shock. Then the flames flicker a deep crimson for just a moment as she then nods in quiet approval before a toothless grin spreads across her shadowed features. Or, you assume it's toothless because you hadn't seen the glimmer of teeth in the candlelight. She flips the card in the same orientation it was drawn with that sharp flick sound that you have grown to enjoy. [color=#9068D4][size=110][b]ROUTE 2.2: FLIP THE CARD OVER[/b][/size][/color] [size=90]✧ Complete [color=#4BB1DF][b]6[/b][/color] items and remove [color=#4BB1DF][b]1[/b][/color] item ✧[/size] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (23) Watch an anime that began airing between Jan 1, 2010 and Dec 31, 2014 (total duration must be at least 16 minutes) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (49) Watch an anime that has at least 3 words in the main title that start with the same letter [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (56) Watch an anime with more users in the "[url=][color=#9068D4][b]Plan-to-Watch[/b][/color][/url]" stat than the "Completed" stat (anime must finish airing before you start it) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#B22222][Plan to Watch When Started: | Completed When Started: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (67) Watch an anime that has an [url=][color=#4BB1DF][b]Inanimate Object[/b][/color][/url] as a character [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#B22222][Character: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (76) Watch an [url=][color=#4BB1DF][b]afternoon/evening[/b][/color][/url] anime (broadcast between [url=][color=#9068D4][b]17:00 and 22:59[/b][/color][/url] JST) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (90) Watch an anime that has no Opening Theme and no Ending Theme listed (anime must have finished airing before you started it) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (119) Watch an anime tagged with at least TWO of the following: [b]Action[/b], [b]Drama[/b], [b]Romance[/b], [b]Sci-Fi[/b] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#B22222][Tagged With 1: | Tagged With 2: ][/color] When you have completed all the required items proceed to ROUTE 2.2 ENDING |
AWC_modJan 16, 7:33 AM
Jan 11, 6:08 PM
ROUTE 2.2 ENDING CHANGED FATE You see an upside-down card that seems to depict some sort of religious figure sitting in a church. The fortune teller hums softly to herself as she clears the table of everything but the three cards to allow you to focus only on the cards that have been drawn. She nods slowly before beginning to explain. “Now, The Hierophant is normally a card that is about tradition and conformity to an organization… but you… you took the step to reverse this card, and in doing so you truly proved that your future reflects what the inverse of this card represents. A reverse tarot card holds the opposite of its usual meaning, which means that for you this is a card of rebellion, a card of refusing to go with the grain. This is a card that shows your future will involve you needing to think unconventionally, and be willing to employ fresh new methods that perhaps others may not have thought of. But this is a future of your own making, one that you have taken control of. I hope it was a good choice… heh heh heh heh…” The flames crackle and spark for a moment, the sudden bright light making you close your eyes as it sounds like the fortune teller is being pulled far away from you. Your eyes open and you’re back in the middle of the carnival grounds with the crowd bustling around you. You look around for the tent but it’s nowhere to be found. Even the clearing where you swore it was resting just moments ago has been filled with yet another candy floss stand. As you look around in confusion, the girl behind the counter speaks to you. “Hey, uh… I think someone left this for you. Here!” she says cheerfully as she hands you a tarot card. The Hierophant. Even as you hold it, for some reason it looks wrong to you until you turn it upside down. You put it in your pocket and smirk slightly, but as you do so you hear the candy floss girl cackle, almost in the fortune teller’s voice. Your gaze snaps back over to her but she’s already serving new customers. You decide it was just your imagination and fade back into the crowd, but this time walking the opposite way from everyone else. Congratulations on finishing TAROT ENDING #2! Please go back to your challenge post and put "Tarot Ending #2" at the top of this Mini-Game |
AWC_modJan 16, 7:29 AM
Jan 11, 6:13 PM
YOU CHOSE ROUTE 3 You timidly point towards the crystal ball, which seems to swirl with an odd light as you select it. The fortune teller cackles and the candle flames swell slightly as their color tints from blue to deep purple. Your attention returns to the table as you notice that the other items have disappeared and now in their place sits only the crystal ball front, resting atop a purple silk cloth with golden edges. You hear the strike of a match as the woman lights a stick of incense that immediately changes the scent inside the tent to one of Sandalwood as she gently wafts the stick around, spreading the billowing smoke about. Setting the incense in a little tray to the right of the table, the fortune teller makes herself comfortable in front of the crystal ball before placing her hand atop the glass orb. A glowing cloud of smoke plumes out from her palm to fill the ball, spreading lazily across the surface like ink injected into water. The cloud then swirls and twists, with the light blue color illuminating both you and the previously obstructed face of the mysterious woman. Her features are soft, wise, and kindly, with wrinkles deeper around where her laughter lines would be. Her olive skin shines with an odd blue hue under the light of the candle flames and the glowing orb before her. Her mouth is spread wide in a toothless smile as she looks up at you and begins to speak. “Now, this ball will allow me to scry for images of your future, but you must first give it direction. Provide it with a question, and I will tell you what I see in the mists of the murky future as they become clear to me. Now… a question, if you will.” You think for a moment, stunned by the situation and forces that are at play. How is the ball glowing? Is this all some sort of elaborate trick? Is she trying to scam you? She hasn’t even asked you for any money yet… You figure ‘what the heck’ and decide between a few questions you’ve been pondering for a while. [color=#9068D4][size=110][b]ROUTE 3: CHOOSING CRYSTAL BALL[/b][/size][/color] [size=90]✧ Complete [color=#4BB1DF][b]6[/b][/color] items and remove [color=#4BB1DF][b]1[/b][/color] item ✧[/size] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (32) Watch an anime that started airing in [b]April[/b] (each episode must be at least 16 minutes) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (49) Watch an anime that has at least 3 words in the main title that start with the same letter [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (56) Watch an anime with more users in the "[url=][color=#9068D4][b]Plan-to-Watch[/b][/color][/url]" stat than the "Completed" stat (anime must finish airing before you start it) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#B22222][Plan to Watch When Started: | Completed When Started: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (100) Watch an anime tagged with either [b]Historical[/b] or [b]Horror[/b] (each episode must be at least 16 minutes) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (110) Watch an anime tagged with at least ONE of the following: [b]Childcare[/b], [b]Gag Humor[/b], [b]Magical Sex Shift[/b], [b]Shoujo[/b] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#B22222][Tagged With: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (119) Watch an anime tagged with at least TWO of the following: [b]Action[/b], [b]Drama[/b], [b]Romance[/b], [b]Sci-Fi[/b] [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#B22222][Tagged With 1: | Tagged With 2: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (128) Watch an anime adapted from an [b]Unknown[/b] Source (total duration must be at least 16 minutes) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] ROUTE 3.1: To ask about staying safe in the future -> CLICK HERE ROUTE 3.2: To ask about succeeding in the future -> CLICK HERE |
AWC_modJan 16, 7:34 AM
Jan 11, 6:17 PM
YOU CHOSE ROUTE 3.1 You ask your question, as you often worry about how dangerous the world is or how risky certain things are in life. You often get told that you worry too much by those around you, but you usually reply ‘It’s better to be safe than sorry!’. The fortune teller hears your question and seems to focus in on the crystal orb, as if she’s trying her hardest to make sense of the chaos. She repeats a few things to you as if they’re scenes she’s witnessing in the depths. [color=#9068D4][size=110][b]ROUTE 3.1: STAYING SAFE[/b][/size][/color] [size=90]✧ Complete [color=#4BB1DF][b]6[/b][/color] items and remove [color=#4BB1DF][b]1[/b][/color] item ✧[/size] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (3) Watch an anime completed by an [url=][color=#4BB1DF][b]AWC Staff Member[/b][/color][/url] (staff must have rated the anime at least an 8 and completed it before item is started) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#B22222][AWC Staff Member: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (23) Watch an anime that began airing between Jan 1, 2010 and Dec 31, 2014 (total duration must be at least 16 minutes) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (33) Watch an anime that started airing in [b]July[/b] (each episode must be at least 16 minutes) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (44) Watch an anime with 7 or more words in the main title (symbols and numbers do not count as words) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (64) Watch an anime with a score of 6.23 or below (anime must finish airing before you start it) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (67) Watch an anime that has an [url=][color=#4BB1DF][b]Inanimate Object[/b][/color][/url] as a character [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#B22222][Character: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (93) Watch an anime in which 2 or more Opening Theme (OP) and/or Ending Theme (ED) are performed by the same [url=][color=#9068D4][b]Artist/Group[/b][/color][/url] (must be two different songs) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#B22222][Artist/Group: ][/color] When you have completed all the required items proceed to ROUTE 3.1 ENDING |
AWC_modJan 16, 7:35 AM
Jan 12, 12:31 AM
ROUTE 3.1 ENDING STAYING SAFE Listening closely, you hear the old fortune teller whispering to herself softly as she tries to make sense of what she sees in the crystal ball. Eventually she speaks a little louder. “A bridge over troubled waters… two paths, one through a dark forest, one past a bright cliffside… a warm home, filled with family and friends as a blizzard howls outside in the darkness… a beach on a sunny day, but the waves are ferocious…” She seems to be struggling a little to understand what she is seeing before the crystal ball goes dim, and then she relaxes. The fortune teller breathes a sigh of relief and exhaustion as she looks back up at you. The candles by her side flicker between green, red, and blue for a moment before settling back to their “normal” blue light. “A lot of these images are hard to make sense of, but I think I understand. Your future will hold many situations where your choices will determine how much risk you feel. The bridge over a stormy sea is only one you should take if you feel confident in your footing. The home is safe and warm and you might feel the desire to leave the house for whatever reason, but do you really need to do so when the blizzard is howling so ferociously? The beach is sunny and warm, and you might want to swim, but keep an eye on the intensity of the waves.” You stare at the fortune teller as she describes each scene and what it could mean for the future, and you slowly begin to understand. “Safety comes from confidence and skill. If you are confident in your path, you may walk the bridge. If you have faith that you are a strong swimmer, you may leave the beach and test the waters. But if you have cause for concern, it may be best to stay where it is safe and only bite off that which you know you can chew. This is what I have seen. Now it is for you to decide what you do with it. Farewell my child, and stay… safe.” With that final word, your vision blurs. After a moment it clears and you realize you’re now back out in the carnival grounds, staring up at the night sky. You look around for the tent, but it’s nowhere to be found. It has gotten very late and all of the attractions are preparing to close. You look over to a dark path that you know is a shortcut through an equally dark field back to the train station, but decide to take the long way around instead. Congratulations on finishing TAROT ENDING #3! Please go back to your challenge post and put "Tarot Ending #3" at the top of this Mini-Game |
AWC_modJan 16, 7:29 AM
Jan 12, 12:38 AM
YOU CHOSE ROUTE 3.2 You close your eyes and think hard about your question before declaring it to the fortune teller. You often wonder how to be successful, or how successful people got to where they are. Upon hearing what you ask her, the fortune teller leans in, focusing her beady eyes into the mists of the orb before her and straining to see through the fog. As she does, she begins to speak. [color=#9068D4][size=110][b]ROUTE 3.2: BECOMING SUCCESSFUL[/b][/size][/color] [size=90]✧ Complete [color=#4BB1DF][b]6[/b][/color] items and remove [color=#4BB1DF][b]1[/b][/color] item ✧[/size] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (3) Watch an anime completed by an [url=][color=#4BB1DF][b]AWC Staff Member[/b][/color][/url] (staff must have rated the anime at least an 8 and completed it before item is started) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#B22222][AWC Staff Member: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (33) Watch an anime that started airing in [b]July[/b] (each episode must be at least 16 minutes) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (44) Watch an anime with 7 or more words in the main title (symbols and numbers do not count as words) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (64) Watch an anime with a score of 6.23 or below (anime must finish airing before you start it) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (67) Watch an anime that has an [url=][color=#4BB1DF][b]Inanimate Object[/b][/color][/url] as a character [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#B22222][Character: ][/color] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (90) Watch an anime that has no Opening Theme and no Ending Theme listed (anime must have finished airing before you started it) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [*][color=GRAY][Started: DATE] [Finished: DATE][/color] (93) Watch an anime in which 2 or more Opening Theme (OP) and/or Ending Theme (ED) are performed by the same [url=][color=#9068D4][b]Artist/Group[/b][/color][/url] (must be two different songs) [url=]ANIME_TITLE[/url] [color=#B22222][Artist/Group: ][/color] When you have completed all the required items proceed to ROUTE 3.2 ENDING |
AWC_modJan 16, 7:36 AM
Jan 12, 12:40 AM
ROUTE 3.2 ENDING HOW TO WIN AT LIFE You hear the fortune teller make various “mmm” and “ahh” noises, as if she’s having something explained to her that is finally starting to make sense. Just as you begin to grow impatient, she speaks. “A podium, with you standing in all three places, first, second, and third. But you look older when you’re standing in first place than you do in second, and even more than third… Several failed test papers with the score slowly improving, until the tests are passed… Children running a race, and one of them cheats to take a shortcut, only to be disqualified… Mmm. I think I understand.” The candle flames flicker between golden and purple hues as she stares into your eyes. The otherworldly glow of the crystal ball dims as the candle flames settle back to their usual blue. “These scenes, they’re saying something all people should know, and it's that success takes time, hard work, and sometimes failure. No one was instantly a master at a skill they decided to start learning. Yes, some have the privilege of starting off in a better position than others, but they still had to work to ensure that privilege was not lost. If you want to succeed in the future, these scenes are telling you that you will need to be ready to work for your success. The more you work, the more you will succeed. You cannot take any shortcuts, nor can you just trick your way into success; it has to be what you claim with your own diligence. This is what I have seen, and it is up to you to decide whether you want to put in the work… Farewell, my child.” With those final words you blink, and then you’re suddenly back at the fairground. The noise of the crowd is overwhelming, the sight and smell of the food causing your stomach to rumble. You decide to stop by one of the stands to get a bite to eat before making your way home. A long, incredibly steep hill looms in your near future to reach the nearest bus station. You take a deep breath and with a sharp exhale, you start your climb with a pleasantly full stomach and a determined smile. Congratulations on finishing TAROT ENDING #4! Please go back to your challenge post and put "Tarot Ending #4" at the top of this Mini-Game |
AWC_modJan 16, 7:30 AM
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