I Ended All of Humanity with 4 Gamings | Genshin Impact
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
- his gameplay is really EXPLOSIVE
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#genshinimpact #gaming
Not that one Gaming social distancing in the thumbnail 😭
there's always that one guy
Fr 😭🙏
Poor guy 😔
Bro got put in the corner
The gaming social distancing is killing me 😭
Well, his head is so huge that it's hard to gauge which direction to point him at when taking pictures lmao
There's always that one guy in the group
@@VentiworksatMcDonald welcome to the ventiverse #68
@@Mc_Barbietoesthx🙃 so after work wine?😊
Gotta love that 1234 ending... 1 hour, 23 minutes, 40 seconds XD
If you told Gaming to put his hand on Bakugan, Crush Gear, B-daman, Beyblade and so on, I would definitely say, "Yep, that's the main character"
And the best part, before existing in Genshin, Gaming is already an MC in another game
@@shanedoesyoutube8001WHERE OMG
which game is that?
Same voice actor as the male MC of honkai star rail
B-daman... that was amazing show fr
"is gaming the xiao of genshin impact " cracked me up so bad
5:42 He’s more similar to Freminet tbh, both claymore and both burst do an initial damage before decreasing CD for the Skill and making you rely on Skill consecutively during burst duration with NAs in between.
Edit: Another funny similarity! Both are short male characters who put on headwear during their burst. (Lion head and diving helmet) AND both have a cute pet they summon during their burst!
Coincidentally I main the both of them
@@hiranoyoo Haha I can see what type of playstyle you like
I Kinda main Gaming. idk if a lvl 4 Gaming counts. And my level 80 Fremi.@@hiranoyoo
They also have contrasting personalities Freminet an introverted, timid diver and Gaming out going, friendly, approachable guard
There's also one thing about them that they can seriously do a melt team together 😅
Paikon: C4 is usually not good
Xiangling: bonjour
@@stantalent2555 you did not get the point
Blame that on funky head collision box lol
Because he has covid
Because he is
Ga Ming
I would really like it if Paikon could do the older characters like Hu Tao or Venti for an example
Same i have a rlly good hu tao build 😭
I slashed all the world with 4 keqings.
We sniped all of Tavyat with 4 Ganyus
We sucked Teyvat into a black hole with 4 Venti's and so on. I'd watch it
as a Gaming main, this was highly entertaining. also cleared up some confusion for me regarding Man Tsai. looks like it's tied to the specific player, and not the co-op team as I originally expected.
As a C5 Gaming main im proud of my boy… literally being the only character in my party for exploration
3:56, clearly he doesn't know Xiao's C4 is busted!
albedo’s as well!
The fact someone is consciously coding the characters to not work in co-op is beyond me
I was just waiting for the Gaming video, Cloud Retainer is sweet, cool and all but I like him a bit more XD
Him saying "see-no" instead of "sigh-no" hurt my soul
I love how his RGB lights got Yugioh's Prismatic/Secret Rare-like lighting lmao it's beautiful
As someone who really likes reading the abilities descriptions and understanding how they work, I got frustrated for a sec lol bro the skill resets every time the little Suanni (people were calling it a Lion) comes back to Gaming during the burst
3:50 Paikon: C4 is never good
"Balls! I'm coming! Balls! Balls! Break the balls!"
I am lucky i was using headphones 😂
Him not knowing you can use gaming skill for travel wise
Paikon pronounced a character's name correctly!!!! Astonishing!
Nah he did it only once the rest of the vid he pronounced his name as “geyming”
@@c4dencelolz the thought counts 😭
@@c4dencelolz The fact u spelled gaming like that
ngl a part of me thinks he says names wrong to piss people off 💀
"Wearing headphone may improve your Gaming except"
specifically rgb
hi Paikon, fyi you can make lots of healing food easier and faster with other recipes compared to the Meat Rolls, no need to go hunting and can just buy ingredients from shop (available 100x per region daily)
the recipes is Tasses Ragout from Fontaine. buy Tomato, Salt, and Onion from npc shop, then cook the food
note that to get this recipes, you need to complete a short casual quest from npc Earnshaw in Fontaine (Upon a Flowery Field of Grass) and get the recipes as a reward
have fun! :D
I made a million pita pockets for this reason haha
Finally someone commented this 😘 I really hope he sees this comment 😅 you can literally make more than 100x a day since we have 5 nations now so you can buy 500 recipes of it everyday 🤣
im surprised how he hasnt gotten it out yet that recipe is literally a lifesaver
Samee i use tasses ragout for the healing food
“With 4 GAAAHH-mings”
Edit: yes, it’s the correct pronunciation. I just found the way “ga” was said to be funny
thats the correct pronunciation
thats the right pronunciation
correct pronunciation hello
8:56 "It doesnt want to suck today"
-wise words of paikon
am i only the one who wishes that Paikon's dodging and skill issue won't lose so that his content will be always amazing and chaotic
I can already tell that is definitely THE Lantern Rite video.
he literally has no reason to be this good, and yet he is, and im loving it.
“A lot of c4 constellation suck, Gaming will be the first.” Yanfei: 👁️👄👁️
HEY MANN!! I decided to watch one of your videos as a ritual to get nahida (it was a 50 50 situation) bc since i love ur vids thought i would give me luck AND IT DID. I WON MY 50 50 ALL THANKS TO YOU. TY TY
"a lot of c4s are bad"
my razor main ahh depending on his c4 to destroy bosses:
I have c3 or 2 Razor and c3 Beidou... They're my tanks, and I'd be nowhere in the game without them and I can't wait for both to be c6 soon so they're even more powerful.
Rosaria and Diluc'll get there eventually😆
Gaming is like thr best 4 star character there is
I don’t even have him but straight from the trial he was super fun
so yeah. that’s saying something
his gameplay is really fun and he does such good damage ngl
I wish i didnt skip him😢
chat never stops glazing
Finally a good 4 stars in ages
that unga bunga plunge attack got me off guard 8:27
Soon in 4.5 or 4.6 we will have I honored the Tsaritsa with the Family (Lyney,Lynette, Freminet, Arlecchino)
All of Gaming’s cons are really good.
Gaming with 4 Gamings.
Bro forgot the dendro cube 😭
I just missed my bus two times today 😭😭 thanks for the video
Why is one of the gaming's social distancing 😭
thanks for representing the low but rising ga Ming users
(edit bcuz that triggered me- at c1 his e uses up his hp but at his c1 it regenerates hp)
3:01 "omg I'm gonna get so much meat" 😂 that's what she said
Gaming is kinda op tbh (for a 4* at least)
*It's GAMING Time!*
i love his playstyle
Gaming really is the xiao of genshin impact
I love that I kept dying LMAO
if you say cyno like "see no" one more time i am gonna jump off a cliff
gayming and yeeelan😔😔😔
YEESSSS LES GO 4 GAMINGS MA FAV GOOD BOIIII, Thank you very much paikon for making 4 gaming :D 🎉🎉🎉
as a gaming main its so rare so see 4 other gamings
The good thing about gaming is you can spam burst if there is a lot of enemies around you nice tip
And his C4 makes it so that every time you use your e you restore 2 energy, being able to trigger it every 0.2s… meaning you have an uptime during burst
The gaming really said *”personal space”*
Gaming mains EATING this up.
That one Introverted gaming 💀💀💀
"What's the gacha game without the gacha, you know? Nothing's like the little bit of rng to spice up the gameplay."
* smiling in Limbus Company player *
Xianyun and xiao unauthorised son🌚
the genshin gaming experience right here
One of the Gaming really be an introvert
Gaming is too strong☠️
'This is the first time a c4 is good'
bro calls him gaming 🎮
everyone in chat yelling for Paikon to use serpent spine 😭
Can we all agree that paikon is like the nicest streamer
As a day 1 Gaming main this makes me very happy :3
why was 2:00 so hilarious to me for some reason 😭
That one gaming do be social distancing 😭💅
Istg most of this dudes videos are his chat gaslighting him-😭😭
"I used the birds to kill the birds" 7:22
why is one of them social distancing
i jusr noticed he has light up skechers
I mained Gaming for a while until I got Kazuha, but it took me until I had stopped using Gaming for me to find out that his burst effected the CD of his skill
jesus christ dude, everyone told you Serpent Spine is his best weapon, that's because it is. You do not know better than your chat
It's only his 4* BiS, otherwise, Redhorn or WGS is better.
@@iamtwokai-race2147 with cloud retainer its better than every 5* weapon except maybe redhorn if your over capping on crit rate because the plunge buff is like shenhe’s buff since it doesn’t get affected by atk
It's really not that serious
With C2 you almost have a invincible gaming in his burst
there is nothing more painful than missing one of these streams (still salty i didnt get in the mika one because bro was maxed out)
Bro's lvl 1 gaming has more atk than my lvl 70 raiden☠️
GAming cant proc both atk passive from beacon since the only damage source from using the E is considered plunge dmg and hp consumption isn’t considered taking dmg
if u didnt know, u learned something ig
Just go Redhorn for the Crit dmg… that’s my current goal
nobody even told him bacon passive doesnt work because his E does not hit its his plunge? im kinda disappointed in chat
His skill does hit though? On the initial press?
I wished it could have been "I destroyed all kites with 4 gamings"
One rotation with lvl 80 Ayaka and xinqu in BEAUTIFUL
Everyone is talking about One of the Gamings social distancing
Beacon's first passive does NOT work with Gaming. His skill does NOT proc the passive. It's still a good weapon though.
Also, Furina skill damage does NOT proc Beacon's passive.
It was 1 hour 23 minutes and 40 seconds. 5 more seconds would've made that number ideal: 12345,but alas... 5 seconds man...
calmest non-resin spender
itspaikon: its 123
paikon is my favorite living person he is so funny (i am not paid to say this)
Xianglings C4 is huge.
I guess the title should be I destroys my controller with 4 Gaming😄
the way you pronounce cyno as cee-no gets me every time😭
I'm pretty sure there is/will be gaming gaming chair for sure 😅
Gaming making a Gaming moment in gaming history!!
Started to main Gaming on my AR35 account. Best 4* since Yanfei was released.
Shouldn't it be "Is he good, is he bad? And why does he feels like a 5-star character? Let's find out"
Grill the chicken 😂😂😂
Also it 1234
That one introverted Gaming 💀